Is Your Dog Struggling With Separation Anxiety?

I know this isn’t what you want to hear but the answer to separation anxiety is separation. Hold on, I’ll explain.

You need to teach your dog how to be separated from you, not only when you’re actually away, but also while you’re home - it isn’t fair to let your dog be with you 24/7 and follow you around while your home and then expect them to know how to handle being alone while you’re gone. 

Practicing structured separation when you’re together will help your dog learn coping skills, how to self soothe, how to handle themselves and how to deal their emotions during a time when they’re not in such an intense emotional state as when they’re truly alone. This will help give them the skills they need to deal with being alone when you’re actually away.

Ways to practice structured separation:


Get your dog comfortable spending time in the crate. Dogs are den animals and naturally prefer a small safe place to go to relax, especially when they are uncomfortable. Utilize crate time when you’re home (when you’re taking a shower, making dinner or working out) and not just when you’re gone. Your dog should also sleep in the crate at night (and no, sleeping in bed with you is not an option until the problem behaviors subside).


The place exercise is so helpful for this. Instead of letting your dog snuggle with you on the couch while you watch a movie (that time will come), have your dog hold place. If your dog is constantly following you around the house, put them on place. Utilize place time while you’re enjoying your morning coffee or cooking breakfast.


Make sure your dog is mentally & physically fulfilled before leaving them alone for the day. Training sessions for meals, structured walks, place work or puzzle games will help your dog tire out their brain. Cooperative play, going for a run or a rousing game of fetch will help tire out their body. Being both mentally and physically fulfilled will help alleviate some pent up energy that could be fueling their anxiety.


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